Tuesday, January 31, 2006

1/26 and 27/06 continued again

the whole spread. the found poetry reads, "artistic agenda? target magic. always secretly jolly" on the left page and, "daub paste polish shine. the playground presenting arts of exchange."
the next couple of days were spent doing cross stitch so i did not take any pictures. last night and tonight i worked on the second spread for this RR book and will post pictutres later.
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1/26 and 27/06 continued

the right side of the spread. i am so happy with the way this ended up!
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1/26 and 27/06

right side of a spread for the wings RR in Geri's book. i did a humument style thing. i really like how it turned out. i have been wanting to try this style and now i have. only to give it away, alas.
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i had a few of those backgrounds i did a while ago still sitting around and decided to make a couple more atcs. i like them. the pics aren't the greatest, but the cards look good in real life. whatever that may be!
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i made some danglies for earrings. needed new black/silver combo and some brown for my clothes. i put them on earwires the next day.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006


just some more playing with stuff on my art table.
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playing with the background atcs i made last week and some newlyUTEE'd paper beads. the glue was still wet, but i had to get the pictures. i don't know why the urgency, but here you go.
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1/22/06 view 2 with slightly better color.

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this scarf took more like 10 days of intermittent work, but i finished it on this day and so it is posted for the day! this one is even softer than the first one. and i made it quite a bit longer!
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1/21 and 22/06 right side of spread

this whole spread will have another picture posted in the future because i have been doing some more work on it. it was kinda plain for my taste. stay tuned.
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1/21 and 22/06 left side of spread

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an atc from stuff sitting in the piles on my desk. i was wondering what in the world i would ever do with a frog leg! but here you go!
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the completed, but not decorated little journals for 1000 journals project! pretty. oooooohhhh.
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detail of the right side of the spread

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detail of the left side of the spread

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1/19/06 full two-page spread

this is a bad colored picture of Little Zally Zetti in her new asian inspired traveling dress. she is in elizabeth's NFAUZABRR book. the colors are really way more bright blue and the pink goes from light to fairly dark. it is NOT salmon colored, elizabeth, so don't freak!
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this is step two of making the little triangular journals for the 1000 journals project. this is one example of the innards (pages) and the three sets of covers i made. the colors are a bit dull, but they are almost ready for putting together and decorating. i used my handmade paper for the covers on these and probably will for all that i make for the project because anything else could end up being a duplicate of someone elses-on the outside at least-if i used like basic gray paper, which i looooove.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006


same background technique as the past two entries. expect to see a bit more of it. i prepped 6 atc's with it. i was feeling upset and mad at my soon to be ex and this is what came of it. simple, easy, BLACK! stupid man.
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this is a picture of a nightmare kind of thing and i put the wire through the eyelets to be a really really trapped nightmare. i put a couple of paper beads dipped in two coats of UTEE on there also. i dry-brushed two colors of acrylic paint on the cardstock. after that dried i used the ever-popular shish kebab stick to scrape some white gesso on for the texture and accent. this is my new favorite background technique! hey, sherry, i hope you like this. this is another one i am quite proud of.
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5.5x5.5 for my circle journal swap group. the theme for this person was "all about me" i sort of went witht he me, my cats, and my future. i used dry-brushed acrylic paint in two colors on cardstock. after that dried i used a shish kebab stick to sort of scrape some white gesso on top to get a sort of stucco look. i like it! i used oil pastels in the areas inside the metal on the slide frames. i really like how this came out. i hope sarette likes it, too!
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1/14/16 b

another picture to show the color variations in lion brand homespun yarn.
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1/14/16 a

made this lovely and soft scarf. it is called a popcorn scarf. the pattern and directions can be had at www.lionbrand.com. isn't it pretty? don't you wanna touch it?
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Friday, January 13, 2006

1/13/06 the third (and final)

imagine what the world would be like if ordinary people had wings. winged beings are usually portrayed as magical. well, darn it, everyone would want them if they were actually available!
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1/13/06 the second

sort of the future of architecture collides with the hardware of the past.
or something equally philosophical! yeah, that's it.
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1/13/06 the first

friday the thirteenth. oooooooooooh. anyway. just liked the way the red white and blue when together here. and the whole DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG UNDER PENALTY OF LAW deal strikes me as quite funny. it did sort of scare me as a kid since the tags on my pillows were always scratchy and NEEDED to be removed...
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